The Radiant Panel Flame Spread Apparatus, in accordance with ASTM E162, is designed to measure the surface flammability of building materials and cellular plastics materials.
During the ASTM E162 test, an inclined 6 by 8-in. specimen is placed in front of a 12 by 18-in. gas-fueled radiant heat panel. The specimen is ignited on its upper edge, and the operator records the distance and the time of the flame front progresses download. At the same time, the system records the temperature rise in the stack above the radiant heat panel. The test result is radiant panel index (Is) that is determined by the flame spread and the heat evolution (temperature rise in the stack).
ASTM E162 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Apparatus Onsite Installation
Radiant Panel Flame Spread Apparatus consists of:
A radiant panel, the dimension is 12” by 18”, made of porous cement and cast iron housing.
A venture-type aspirator for mixing propane gas and air.
A centrifugal blower on the rear of the radiant panel for providing 9.4L/s air.
Gas supply system, supplying propane gas to the radiant panel.
Electric spark igniter and auto cut-off valve for radiant panel ignition.
A pyrometer for measuring the surface temperature of the burning radiant panel.
Stainless steel calibration burner and methane gas flow meter.
Stainless steel specimen holder, with 3’’ observation marks for determining flame spread.
Stainless steel pilot burner and acetylene gas flow meter.
Stainless steel stack with eight K-type thermocouples.
Data acquisition system, collect temperatures and time every second.
Operation software, with the functions of system calibration, baseline procedure, test procedure, and data & report export.
The radiant panel index (Is) can be auto-calculated by the software.